

Mangystau Service Company LLP was established in 2013 and today provides a wide range of services for enterprises in the oil and gas sector.

The company’s services include catering, cleaning, comprehensive maintenance of administrative buildings, rotational camps, and organizing sports and festive events (event management).

In our team, alongside young and creative specialists, work those who were at the origins of the company and the market, becoming part of the history of the service industry. The total number of employees in the company is 1,200.

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Mangystau Service Company LLP is included in the list of reliable suppliers of the Holding in accordance with the Procurement Rules of goods, works, and services of Samruk-Kazyna JSC. Furthermore, our Company has undergone the preliminary qualification selection process for Suppliers. It should be noted that preliminary qualification selection is an advanced international practice used by leading companies, funds, and holdings worldwide.

At the same time, as shown by global experience, PQS stimulates the development of entrepreneurs, provides confidence in the fulfillment of obligations by both parties, and ensures mutually beneficial cooperation for both Suppliers and Customers. Conducting preliminary qualification selection helps to improve the quality, efficiency, transparency, and promptness of the procurement process.

International Standards

Mangystau Service Company LLP operates in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 45001 standards.

Международные стандарты Международные стандарты


Этап работы


Ваша выгода

Step 0.


Pre-project survey of the company and facilities by specialists of Mangystau Service Company LLP.

Your benefit

Understanding the project plan and potential cost savings.

Step 1.

Start of Work

Outsourcing auxiliary staff with a guaranteed social package.

Your benefit

Optimization of the number of employees and business indicators.

Reduction of costs for processes serving auxiliary staff.

Step 2.


Outsourcing non-core production and operational business processes.

Your benefit

Reduction of costs for the purchase of goods and services for non-core activities.

Reduction of risks associated with the manifestation of uncontrollable factors.

Step 3.


Transfer of full infrastructure facilities and adjacent territory for servicing.

Your benefit

Full concentration on core business processes.

Licenses and Certificates

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